An ode to childhood playtime conquests of aiming stones at honeycombs for liquid gold, a dollop of the prized sweet nectar totally worth the sometimes swollen, yet grinning faces we came home with. There is precious little in life sweeter than licking a spoon of dripping golden yellow honey wrapped around it. The bees got busier during spring time and the buzzing more melodious, that’s how we knew it's time to devour the sweet fruit of their labour.
Barosi brings to your doorstep Sidr honey, one of the finest varieties of honey. We procure this honey directly from bee farmers of Hanumangarh, Rajasthan where it is carefully extracted in small batches, once a year in Autumn, under our supervision. Barosi Sidr Honey is 100% pure, raw in its most natural form. We only filter impurities at the farm, delivering the product in its as-is form without any processing. The sweetness and taste are unparalleled, add a spoonful to a glass of milk or lick it straight off the spoon to enjoy its raw taste & health benefits.
An ode to childhood playtime conquests of aiming stones at honeycombs for liquid gold, a dollop of the prized sweet nectar totally worth the sometimes swollen, yet grinning faces we came home with. There is precious little in life sweeter than licking a spoon of dripping golden yellow honey wrapped around it. The bees got busier during spring time and the buzzing more melodious, that’s how we knew it's time to devour the sweet fruit of their labour.
Barosi brings to your doorstep Sidr honey, one of the finest varieties of honey. We procure this honey directly from bee farmers of Hanumangarh, Rajasthan where it is carefully extracted in small batches, once a year in Autumn, under our supervision. Barosi Sidr Honey is 100% pure, raw in its most natural form. We only filter impurities at the farm, delivering the product in its as-is form without any processing. The sweetness and taste are unparalleled, add a spoonful to a glass of milk or lick it straight off the spoon to enjoy its raw taste & health benefits.